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Backing off is sometimes a good strategy

Is anyone else tired of the constant push-push-push that we’re seeing today out of everything from products to personalities?

From political leaders to personal marketers, some have evidently developed the position that staying in front of the public and consistently hawking their products or programs is the way to break through the clutter in today’s hyper-competitive marketplace.

Yet, many of us are growing weary of this relentless and intense assertiveness.

I notice that I’m using LinkedIn a little less than I used to. The reason? I’m tried of the ongoing sales pitch. Here’s one from today:

“I can organize a one to one conversation with our Founder, to share the insider insights we have uncovered generating ideal clients for Coaches and Consultants all over the globe. With your permission, I can find a 30-minute slot on his calendar for you this week? After this message, I won’t follow up again, so let me know! “

…this came AFTER my response to the initial message that I had zero interest in their “uncovered insights.”

Two points: First, as I discuss in “ICONIC,” many of these marketers look at the sheer number of these messages that they fog out — than count the responses — and reason that if they send more, they’ll sell more. So, they continue the barrage, without understanding another critical metric: the number of people blocking them. Wouldn’t you rather go a bit slower, and maybe have me warm to your approach? Isn’t that a better strategy than asking me to marry you (so to speak) before we’ve even been on a first date?

Second, it’s ok to take a breath every once in a while. A musician friend of mine asked his manager how come other acts were relaunching to great success, while their act continued to move forward at a slower pace. The manager responded, “You fans will never miss you if you won’t go away.”

Perhaps there’s a lesson there for all of us. It’s OK to take a step back every so often.

Relentless pursuit might make a sale — but, eventually, it’s exhausting.

And, no great relationship — personal or professional — is built on one party becoming tired of hearing from the other.

ICONIC inner circle with Scott McKain
Path to Distinction