Ideas & Strategies to Stand Out and Earn More
Five Steps to Being a Better Customer
What do you want from your customer service experience? Do you want to be given the best of the best, or are you content with mediocre? No matter what your answer is, most people want something better than they're getting. While this won't ensure inadequate service...
What Makes a Bad Boss?
No one wakes up in the morning and says, "Today, I will be a horrible boss!" Everyone, however, has a story that relates to a terrible experience with an inferior manager. What makes a "bad" boss? Asking this question on, one user said, "a bad boss is...
Become More Creative with These Six Easy Steps
No one would suggest that innovation isn't important. Yet we often get so busy doing that we spend little time thinking. Here are six quick ideas on how to become more creative. - Read a nonfiction book outside your usual genre. It's remarkable how a biography or...
Why “Why” Isn’t Growing Your Business
"Start with why" is a philosophy widely popular in business today. There's no doubt that knowing your "why" is an excellent motivational tool. The problem is...customers don't buy our "why."Customers buy our how. Think about a recent purchase -- anything from an...
How to Manage Change So You Engage Employees
"Every change needs a story." This is a statement that I believe is true -- and it's one reason why employees have such a hard time with change. If you want to create distinction for your organization and yourself, you must be able to leverage change to your...
How to Become a Distinctive Leader
Distinction is not merely organizational--it's individual, as well! Leaders must know how to set the pace, not only through their words, but also through their actions. They must make a difference, and they must be congruent. That is likely why individuals with the...