Change Your Perspective, Improve Your Response
With all the recent fervor over the confrontation between Will Smith and Chris Rock at the Oscars® over a comment made about Jada Pinkett Smith, there's one character I have yet to see explored in the aftermath: G.I. Jane. Several years ago, when I was building my...
The Positive Role of Doubt in Business and Life
Make an enemy of certainty and befriend doubt. When you can change your mind, you can change anything.Kevin Ashton As Tammy and I sat in church this past Sunday, our minister, Vince Antonucci, began his sermon on a topic not often discussed in many religious services:...
Are You Majoring in Minor Things?
There are so many variables competing for our attention today it's easy to get bogged down in the minor details and lose focus on what's important. When trying to achieve a critical task, it's crucial to stay focused and not let distractions get in the way. It's all...
Your Greatest Hits May Not Be Your Greatest Future
Recording artists often release a "greatest hits" compilation. And let's face it, when you go see your favorite singer or band, you certainly want to hear them play the songs you know by heart. Yet, all my friends in the music business seem to have one thing in...
“Jerry’s Berries” – the Two Steps a Hotel Employee Took to Deliver an Ultimate Customer Experience®
At a recent event held at a Four Seasons hotel, an audience member for my keynote presentation came up following my program. "Hi," he said, "I'm Jerry – and, boy, do I have a story for you!" "Yesterday, my wife and I were dining at the breakfast buffet here at the...
The Critical Key to Business Success Most Frequently Overlooked
When people think of success -- whether business success or personal success -- most usually think first of the logical factors involved. These include financial literacy, marketing skills, or management abilities. When my first business book, ALL Business is Show...