Embracing Change: The Unexpected Opportunity of a Forced Pause
In my whirlwind of a career as a professional speaker and author, constantly navigating through airports, speaking on stages across the globe, and engaging with diverse audiences, the concept of a prolonged pause seemed unfathomable to me. However, life, as it often...
Not Just “Thanksgiving” – it’s “Thanks-LIVING”
In our fast-paced world, where challenges abound, and gratitude often takes a backseat, embracing the concept of "ThanksLiving" is more vital than ever. My mentor, Grady Nutt, introduced me to this idea through his chapter "ThanksLiving" in a book of verse. The...
Building Trust: A Foundation of Creating Distinction
Last week, I had the privilege of both attending and addressing the Trusted Leader Summit, sponsored by Trust Edge, the incredible training and content organization led by my friend, renowned trust expert David Horsager. In my decades of experience as a...
Innovation Versus Tradition: Striking the Right Balance for the Ultimate Customer Experience
In the ever-evolving landscape of business, the delicate dance between honoring tradition and embracing innovation is a critical one. Are you so bound in the past that you fail to focus on the future? Or are you so forward-looking, you ignore the values and traditions...
The Power of Distinction: The Key to Unlock the Gates of Success
In today's hyper-competitive landscape, it's an unavoidable reality that everything you desire—be it for your organization, your career, or your personal life—is within the control of someone else. Whether it's landing a coveted job, sealing a business deal, or...
Breaking the Curse of Competence: Recapturing Attention in a Complacent Market
Today, I’m keynoting a major conference in the financial services industry being held near San Diego. Over 1500 professionals have gathered to discuss the present and future in the world of payments. Think about it for a second: you tap, insert, or swipe your card to...