The “Great Resignation” is Blocking Your Distinction
Here’s a statistic that’s a bit difficult for me to wrap my head around: in July, 4,000,000 people quit their jobs! By the end of July, there were almost 11,000,000 jobs open — an all-time record, according to Harvard Business Review. As I talk with...
Saving Your Customers: 5 Strategies to Keep Them Coming Back for More!
Do you want to keep your customers? That sounds like a silly question -- of course you do! Retaining a customer is better than acquiring a new one. It costs less, you already invested in an existing relationship with them, and they are more likely to refer you to...
3 Major Mistakes that Prevent Entrepreneurial Success
No matter the size of the business, every entrepreneur seeks to build a foundation that will allow growth to happen. All entrepreneurs dream of success for themselves and their families, and hope to attract employees who will help them grow. However, there are three...
Five Steps to Being a Better Customer
What do you want from your customer service experience? Do you want to be given the best of the best, or are you content with mediocre? No matter what your answer is, most people want something better than they're getting. While this won't ensure inadequate service...
What Makes a Bad Boss?
No one wakes up in the morning and says, "Today, I will be a horrible boss!" Everyone, however, has a story that relates to a terrible experience with an inferior manager. What makes a "bad" boss? Asking this question on Quora.com, one user said, "a bad boss is...
Become More Creative with These Six Easy Steps
No one would suggest that innovation isn't important. Yet we often get so busy doing that we spend little time thinking. Here are six quick ideas on how to become more creative. - Read a nonfiction book outside your usual genre. It's remarkable how a biography or...