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Project Distinct Podcast with Scott McKain


Daily Podcast teaching you and your team how to establish dominance in a competitive marketplace.


Why “Good Enough” is Costing You Profits

In today's business landscape, a silent threat lurks in the shadows, methodically eroding profits and market share. This adversary isn't a new technology or nimble startup – it's the mindset of complacency that has infiltrated countless organizations. While corporate...

Market Turbulence: Why Traditional Change Management No Longer Cuts It

For many years, both business leaders as well as authors and speakers (like me) have talked at length about "managing change." The title of my first business speech many years ago was “Dragonslayers” on overcoming the overwhelming monster of change on our voyage to...

The Wisdom of ThanksLiving

Gratitude shouldn't just be something we express once a year; it should shape how we live each day. My mentor, the late Grady Nutt, captured this beautifully in his concept of 'ThanksLiving.'" Grady described “ThanksLiving” as: “An attitude that finds treasure in the...
Really TRYING to make you happy…

Really TRYING to make you happy…

The level of customer service — not to mention the even higher standard of the customer experience — is genuinely, consistently pretty awful. Especially during these challenging times, managers believe they can save X% by cutting back staff and reducing service. Guess...

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The SECRET to “show business” success for YOUR business!

The SECRET to “show business” success for YOUR business!

To approach your business as “show business” is not to be confused with putting on an act, being overly dramatic, or being fake. It’s about differentiating yourself from the competition by understanding your clients in the same way that show business understands their...

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You are selling an experience

You are selling an experience

The entertainment industry spends more time studying human emotion than it does the most advanced visual effects or new camera angles. Why? Because an emotional connection is the most potent and influential connection possible. To make 1997’s Titanic, it cost a...

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Your Customer’s Measuring Stick

Your Customer’s Measuring Stick

Your customer’s measuring stick for efficiency may be entirely different from yours, and if you’re not aligned with your customer’s expectations, then you’re never going to meet their needs. Customer service and customer experience should not be confused. Remembering...

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There’s usually more to the story… so tell it!

There’s usually more to the story… so tell it!

We all have customers or prospects who are willing to assume the worst about our intentions. In this time of social media and instant opinions, their criticisms can race around the newsfeeds of our marketplace in dramatic fashion. Take for example a viral video from...

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Who will be YOUR farmer?

Who will be YOUR farmer?

I was in the audience when it happened. It was 1978… Kansas City, Missouri’s Municipal Auditorium… the National FFA Convention… and, the speaker was Paul Harvey. The presentation title was, “So God Made a Farmer.” Audio from this speech was used for the powerful Super...

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