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How to Create Distinction in 2020

As we are almost one week into the New Year, it’s a great time to take a look at what you can do to make 2020 into your “Year of Distinction.”

If you haven’t already seen them, you may want to take a look on social media or YouTube at a video series I’ve done on this topic. Each video will provide you a few ideas on the specific steps you can take regarding these ideas.

Here are four steps you can take for the coming year:

ONE — Don’t make New Year’s Resolutions – set goals for achievement

New Year’s resolutions tend to be generic (“lose weight,” “save money”) and are easily forgotten in the typical crush of life and business.

Goals, however, are specific, realistic, and written. When you create a goal, you also delineate the precise steps you need to take to achieve your objective.

TWO — Get uncomfortable

Growth never happens in your comfort zone. Yet, that’s where most of us spend most of our time. If you want to grow in 2020, you’ve got to be willing to be uncomfortable. Start now and plan for where you’re willing to experience discomfort – because that’s where you’re going to grow.

THREE — Be positive

Let’s face it, we are surrounded by negativity in today’s social media-driven, interconnected world. Therefore, it’s easy to become just as sarcastic and unconstructive. For 2020 to become your “Year of Distinction,” you cannot allow this negativity to unduly influence your actions and reactions. Positivity is a choice. And, it’s a selection of approach that will serve you well in the coming year.

FOUR – Continue to learn

We now have more access to extraordinary information and insight than ever before. You need to become the Dean of your Personal University. It means your car can become your four-wheel college as you drive and listen to audio-based learning. You can develop your personal curriculum for growth and development. Committing to learn is your most valuable step to going from where you are to where you want to be.

These four ideas are all simple – which means that most won’t execute these approaches. It’s so easy to keep doing what you’ve always done, which translates into little to no advancement from your current situation.

If you want this coming year to be all you desire, start with these four ideas.

ICONIC inner circle with Scott McKain
Path to Distinction