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Is it that, “They don’t want to work!” – or – they don’t want to work for YOU?

Here’s a problematic question for entrepreneurs and managers: is it that people don’t want to work nowadays? Or is it that they don’t want to work for YOU?

Twenty years ago, I wrote that you must provide the “Ultimate Experience” for both customers and employees. Over the past two decades, we’ve observed significant strides in how organizations engage their customers. Frankly, we haven’t seen that level of progress across the board regarding employee engagement.

In the United States, we’ve heard many leaders talk about how today’s employees don’t want to work and are lazy. Many studies are confirming this is not true. The companies and managers who have had problems with employee engagement have failed to create an environment where their staff was happy or felt it was a place they wanted to work.

To have a successful business, you need happy and engaged employees. It’s not only the right thing to do, but it’s also good for business. Employees who are disengaged cost businesses billions of dollars every year in lost productivity. Gallup has even gone as far as saying that employee engagement is the key to success for any organization.

Here are a couple of questions for you:

  1. Have you designed the employee experience with as much passion and precision as you plan customer acquisition?
  2. Have you developed a specific list of WHY both current and prospective employees would recognize working for you as a superior option from their other opportunities?

For most, frankly, the answer will be, “No.”

That needs to change — and it needs to change now if you want to attract and retain a superior team.

So, what can you do to create an environment where your employees want to work? It’s not easy and takes time, but here are five tips:

  • Treat your employees with respect. This includes listening to them and considering their ideas.
    • As I wrote in “ICONIC,” respect is reciprocal. If you want your team to respect and value you and your organization, you must display how you value and respect them FIRST.
  • Make certain they feel appreciated. The best way to make your employees feel part of the company is by giving them ongoing recognition. In other words, leaders don’t recognize their work only when milestones are met or when achieving sales targets.
    • Recognition can be in many forms, including praise for doing a job well done, even if it’s not on the radar screen yet.
  • Offer them development opportunities. No one wants to feel like they’re stuck in a dead-end job.
    • Employees want to know that there is room for growth and that they are valued enough for the company to invest in their future.
  • Let them have some fun! Work can be stressful, so it’s essential to find ways for employees to let off some steam.
    • Whether through social activities, team-building exercises, or just taking a break for a little bit, employees need to know that they can have fun at work and not be all work and no play.
  • Finally, PAY MORE! My great pal, Randy Pennington, related a story on a recent live stream where we both were guests about a consulting client of his that dramatically increased the compensation of his team. Guess what? It SAVED him money!
    • How could this be the case?
      • He reduced his expenses of recruiting and onboarding new team members.
      • He drastically reduced turnover.
      • He kept his best employees and attracted top-level recruits.
      • He prevented massive overtime outlays because he now had a productive team that could get the work done during regular hours.
      • AND the fact that no one had to put in extra time meant happier employees and families.

The next time you think about how employees “just don’t want to work today,” remember it’s not because they’re lazy. It’s likely because they aren’t attracted to work for a company that they aren’t certain appreciates them or doesn’t have their best interests at heart.

Change your ways and see how your employees change their tune!

If you can successfully implement these tips, you’ll be well on your way to having an engaged and happy team!

ICONIC inner circle with Scott McKain
Path to Distinction