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Keeping your cool when the world is running hot

When the world around you is running hot, it’s essential for you to stay cool.

I don’t remember a time when there was so much aggression and meanness in the culture. Your challenge is how you will deal with it.

Perhaps this situation is a result of tearing down the walls of civility we became accustomed to expecting. Maybe it’s the natural outgrowth of the intense divisions we are currently experiencing in America and worldwide. Nonetheless, stress and aggression can quickly escalate into dangerous situations, so it’s crucial to remain calm and level-headed, regardless of whether we’re talking about our professional or personal encounters.

Here are three of the many conditions making the workplace increasingly stressful:

  1. Social media has created a more open and interconnected world, which can be positive. But it also means constant bombardment with new information and updates (some of which may be completely false). The result can be a sense of overwhelm for many people.
  • The global economy is increasingly competitive, which puts pressure on businesses to perform. This can lead to longer hours and increased stress for employees.
  • Political divisions are causing tension in many workplaces. Whether it’s arguments about the upcoming election or different opinions on current events, this stress can spill over into our professional lives.

Stress in business is higher today than ever before. Stress in the workplace can lead to aggression and unwarranted levels of confrontation. The pressures our customers are under — in many cases created by their dealings with other organizations, not our own — can lead to responses from them that aren’t congruent and are needlessly assertive.

It is crucial for business owners and managers to understand how to keep their cool when everyone around them is losing theirs. Here are five simple tips for staying cool under pressure:

  • Take a deep breath: It sounds clichéd, but deep breathing really can help to calm you down. Focus on taking slow, deep breaths and count to four as you inhale and out as you exhale.
  • Identify your triggers: What makes you lose your cool? Once you know what sets you off, you can try to avoid those situations or be prepared for them mentally.
  • Walk away: If you feel yourself getting agitated, remove yourself from the situation if possible. Go for a walk, take a break in another room, or even step outside for fresh air.
  • Talk it out: Sometimes, the best way to calm down is to talk through whatever is causing your stress. Find a friend or colleague you trust and vent your frustrations. Getting them off your chest can help make them feel less daunting.
  • Focus on the positive: When you’re feeling stressed, it’s easy to dwell on a situation’s negative aspects. Instead, focus on the positive aspects in your life, no matter how small. This can help to put things into perspective and remind you that the current stressor is not the be-all and end-all.

Staying cool when those around you are losing their temper can be difficult, but it’s essential to remain calm in order to diffuse tense situations. By following these tips, you can help to keep yourself – and those around you – safer from stress-induced challenges.

ICONIC inner circle with Scott McKain
Path to Distinction