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Needed: simple human kindness and consideration…

Somewhere along the way, we seem to have lost the perspective that what we do impacts the lives of others.

It seems we live in a time of character assassination for mere sport. Anonymous online haters who don’t know the facts – or don’t care – irresponsibly attack others to draw attention to themselves. They connect imaginary “dots” that exist only in their own minds, without concern about the consequences to the victims of their venom.

And, it becomes so common that many of us just shrug our shoulders and say, “Haters gonna hate!” and move on – never imagining that we could someday be an unfortunate target.

Maybe we would all be better off if we remember the wisdom that my grandmother used to share with me:

“It doesn’t make you a bigger person to make someone else smaller. It just makes certain you stay less than they are.”

ICONIC inner circle with Scott McKain
Path to Distinction