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Why “Why” Isn’t Growing Your Business

“Start with why” is a philosophy widely popular in business today. There’s no doubt that knowing your “why” is an excellent motivational tool.

  • The problem is…customers don’t buy our “why.”
  • Customers buy our how.

Think about a recent purchase — anything from an extensive B2B investment to something as varied in B2C as fast food or a laptop. If the product or service failed to perform as promised, did you give the company or its representative a pass because they possess a compelling “why”?

Would any customer ever say, “Gosh, this hamburger tastes terrible! But I can’t wait to go back and buy another one because their ‘why’ is so fantastic!” Of course not! Their “why” will never overcome their inability to distinctively deliver what we have purchased.

  • Customers will never be interested in discovering our why until they are thrilled with our how!

It seems to me that reviewing an organizational or professional “why” is something akin to the cliché that “hindsight is 20/20.”

Isn’t it intriguing that we talk about the wildly successful companies and point out their “why,” yet frequently ignore the “why” of those who failed to achieve distinction? (Or authors “cherry pick” companies and retrofit a “why” statement to create an example that will fit their purposes…)

I’ll promise there are some companies – and individuals – who have failed, despite having a sincere and compelling “why.”

  • There is a fundamental reason this is the case – the “why” is not why they buy.

Telling customers the reasons why you should be their preferred option is a necessary part of any successful marketing strategy, but it’s just one piece in the puzzle. The real challenge lies in helping them understand how you deliver a solution to their situation in a manner that is so remarkable that they choose you instead of the alternatives in the marketplace.

Please don’t misunderstand — if your “why” motivates you to dig deeper in delivering for customers, it’s a critical tool to help you succeed. A why can be a great motivator, but it’s just that — motivation to commit to delivering for your customers.

However, if you’re the type who contemplates their “why” and merely leaves it on paper or prints it on motivational posters – or believes your “why” will attract and retain customers – without delivering a strong how, then your business is in trouble.

  • The how is what customers want and need from you.

If you aren’t illuminating for your prospects the unique reasons they should acquire your product or service – and if you aren’t developing repeat and referral business from the customers you already have — then there must be something missing with how you’re delivering.

Focus on improving your “how” — how you deliver, how you serve, how you enhance their experiences. Break it down and improve your delivery at every step along the way.

We discuss this phenomenon in detail – and provide specific strategies for you to enhance your ability to obtain and retain customers – in our Iconic Inner Circle. I’d love for you to check it out – your first month is FREE! Simply go to: https://IconicInnerCircle.com

ICONIC inner circle with Scott McKain
Path to Distinction