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What Makes a Bad Boss?

What Makes a Bad Boss?

No one wakes up in the morning and says, “Today, I will be a horrible boss!” Everyone, however, has a story that relates to a terrible experience with an inferior manager.

What makes a “bad” boss?

Asking this question on Quora.com, one user said, “a bad boss is someone who does not know how to lead, motivate and bring the best out of others.” Another person wrote, “A bad manager is one that doesn’t care about their team or company.” A third person recalled, “When I was in high school, my tennis coach would always yell at me for every little thing and put me down when things went wrong.”

My worst manager experience was in my teenage years when my boss came into the radio station and pointed a gun at me! (He was drunk at the time, which is an entirely different conversation!) He was so strict and controlling, I never knew when he would flip out about something. He wanted things done his way or not at all — which is simply an impossible standard to meet!

A poor manager can be one who micromanages every aspect of the workday; someone who doesn’t communicate in ways employees understand, or constantly going over their heads, or even someone with no respect for their subordinates whatsoever. Basically, a horrible boss is anyone who makes you dread going into work each day. (If this sounds familiar, it might be time to update your resume!)

  • What do all these have in common? They are terrible management experiences!

Let’s explore what makes a “bad” boss through examples from other people’s lives.

·         So, what makes for a “bad boss”?

Is it someone who is “bossy” and “demanding”? Or, “stupid”, “arrogant”, or “boring?”

Many people think the first way to be a bad boss is by being a bad person. That’s not accurate! You don’t have to hate your employees to be considered a bad manager. There are many reasons why managers can fail — and many of them have nothing to do with personality!

·         Let’s flip the script with this question: What makes an effective leader?

I believe there are three keys:

1.   Communication

2.   Motivation/reward systems

3.   Satisfaction

When managers lack these skills, they display the qualities of a terrible boss, making their employees miserable (or worse!)

  1. Communication: an essential characteristic of any good manager! When a manager is communicative and collaborative, employees have an opportunity to “speak up” when there are problems — rather than having them fester.
  2. Motivation: this might be the most crucial part of being an effective leader; after all, who wants to work for someone that fails to inspire greater performance? If you treat your employees with respect and reward their hard work, they will feel valued — making them a happy team!
  3. Satisfaction: when the team and the manager are satisfied, it leads to happier customers in the long run. Employee satisfaction and engagement should be the ultimate goal of any good manager.

Leadership skills will make or break how successful you are as a manager. Bad managers often lack these three critical traits because it’s not easy to manage people…but without these qualities, how can you expect outstanding results from your team?

These skills will also help create career opportunities for employees of all types, from entry to executive levels. This means you will attract top talent because they want to work for and with you because of what can happen for them down the road if they do!

What’s important is setting high expectations that show trust in individuals, while providing them clear direction about the goals they need to achieve. Empowering people requires hiring talented managers.

  • Remember — today’s employee typically does not quit on the organization…they quit on their manager!

In a time of great challenges in finding skilled prospective employees in a competitive hiring environment, it’s probably never been more critical to have superior managers in your company.

Superb management is about creating a culture where employees are happy and know what they’re supposed to do daily. When this happens, you have excellent teams who feel valued for all the efforts they put in on behalf of your organization. Productivity and profits improve — and you’re well on your way to creating distinction!

If you’d like more information on how to lead more productive teams, join our ICONIC Inner Circle. There is no risk —  your first month to check it out is on me! Simply go to: https://IconicInnerCircle.com for all the information on how you can create distinction and become ICONIC!

Become More Creative with These Six Easy Steps

Become More Creative with These Six Easy Steps

No one would suggest that innovation isn’t important. Yet we often get so busy doing that we spend little time thinking. Here are six quick ideas on how to become more creative.

Read a nonfiction book outside your usual genre.

It’s remarkable how a biography or autobiography of a successful person can not only provide examples, but also inspire creative and critical thinking. If all you’re reading is the latest business book, you might miss some insights of extraordinary value. Don’t get me wrong, you should be reading important business books — however, just as your diet should not consist of only one food, your reading consumption shouldn’t be exclusive to a single genre.

– Get out of your comfort zone.

One way to do this is to take a new route home from work that you’re not familiar with, or trying out a restaurant in an area where you wouldn’t normally go for lunch. This will expand your geographic horizons and improve your creative thinking skills.

– Take an improv class or go to the theater more often.

The paramount aspect of an improv class is that you are put on the spot and forced to do something creative in the moment. It’s superb training to learn how to think differently.

Being around creative people will inspire you to be more creative, too. It’s a natural phenomenon that happens when we are around people who have different ideas than us and take an interest in what they do.

– Meditate or practice mindfulness daily.

Studies show a strong correlation between creativity and meditation, because the process of mediation allows for greater focus, which eliminates the noise and distractions that surround us.

– Place a random object on your desk to see what connections you can make.

This is an idea from psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, who said one way to use creativity is by deliberately seeking new connections and making unexpected combinations of objects–what he called “convergent thinking.” This helps because it forces us to create unique associations — something that can generate highly profitable ideas.

When I was a high school student preparing for a contest in impromptu speaking, I would stand in my bedroom, pick out an object (like a keychain or coat hanger) and discipline myself to deliver a five-minute speech on how that object was a metaphor for leadership. It was perhaps the greatest training for “convergent thinking” I could have practiced.

– Take a break.

I know how hard it can be to do this when you have deadlines and responsibilities but taking short breaks throughout the day is important for your creativity. I find that if I give myself an hour or two of downtime in the middle of my workday, things are so much easier to think through later!

While these ideas might not make you into Picasso overnight, they can help boost creativity and broaden your perspective in a rapidly changing world.

How to Manage Change So You Engage Employees

How to Manage Change So You Engage Employees

“Every change needs a story.”

This is a statement that I believe is true — and it’s one reason why employees have such a hard time with change. If you want to create distinction for your organization and yourself, you must be able to leverage change to your advantage.

Let’s face it, it’s not just an employee’s job description open to change in today’s marketplace — it’s also the company culture, coworkers’ personalities — and as we’ve witnessed during the pandemic, even their commute that can be altered. All of these (and more) are causing challenges for your team members.

Change is tough on all of us – especially when it comes in waves as it has recently. Let’s discuss how you can manage change and engage employees, so you can stand out from your competition.

The first key to managing change is preparation.

When employees know what’s coming, they can brace themselves psychologically for the changes that are about to take place.

  1. Step one, make sure you’ve provided broad insight into what is changing — and why — before you announce any specific alterations, reassignments, or reorganization. This will help ensure they’re fully engaged with what will be different in their day-to-day work lives.
  2. Next, provide training or education on how to do things differently so that people are ready when the transition starts. People react positively more often if they know what “better” or “different” looks like.
  3. Finally, try not to overwhelm employees with too much information immediately; instead of announcing every new approach all at once, present one new directive each week or month. This will give you time for preparatory measures while maintaining employee morale.

Second, change should be highly visible and communicated in a way that speaks to different personality types on your team.

From status quo-oriented personalities who fear the loss of power or influence, to people-oriented individuals who want information so they can make more in-person and virtual connections with their coworkers, organizational leaders must provide clear direction for all types of people.

It helps your team feel more secure — even if they’re not happy with the news.

Third, don’t just provide facts, figures, dates, and quotas. Tell a story.

Narrative engages both the heart and the head. You need to craft a story about why the change is coming and how it can be beneficial.

Story also makes it easier for your team to remember the changes and relate them throughout the organization. If you merely give them data and rules, they will probably simply “copy and paste” rather than communicate the story of the changes you’re making in a manner that’s positive and compelling.

  • (If you need help with this, my course on creating and delivering a “Distinctive Story” is available to members of the Iconic Inner Circle. AND your first month is FREE, cancel anytime — meaning you can take the “Story” course as you try out the Iconic Inner Circle program with no obligation! https://IconicInnerCircle.com)


  • When you’re managing change, it’s important to communicate clearly with your team. Let them know why the change is happening and how they can prepare for it. Workers will feel more secure if they understand what is going on — even when their emotions may not align with that understanding.
  • Take some time before you announce any changes so employees have an opportunity to ask questions and adjust.
  • Don’t just give facts, figures, dates, and quotas; tell a story about why the change is coming and how this change could be beneficial for everybody involved! Narrative engages people both emotionally as well as intellectually.

As Dr. C. Carey Yang wrote, “Change is inevitable, suffering is optional.” If you follow these steps on dealing with change on your path to creating distinction, you will increase your odds of celebration rather than sorrow.

How to Become a Distinctive Leader

How to Become a Distinctive Leader

Distinction is not merely organizational–it’s individual, as well!

Leaders must know how to set the pace, not only through their words, but also through their actions. They must make a difference, and they must be congruent. That is likely why individuals with the ability to distinguish themselves are so rare.

The distinction we all strive for is the ability to make a significant difference — and the best way to do this is through leadership. This is the type of leadership that starts with oneself.

Distinctive leadership can be summarized by the consistent application of these three primary principles:

  1. knowing what you stand for
  2. being committed to your purpose/ideals
  3. doing what you said you would do

An individual who can distinguish themselves can take their leadership skills and apply them in both a professional capacity as well as an everyday life. When leaders display these three qualities, distinction becomes not solely organizational distinction, but also personal distinction.

There must be congruency between how that person lives daily and what they do on the job. When someone observes this individual (or any member of her team), they’ll recognize the distinction in action!

In addition, to create distinction, leaders need to:

  • have a clear vision for the future of your organization/team and how it will differentiate from other organizations;
  • find an internal passion that is aligned with leadership skills and apply this in both professional and personal life situations;
  • create congruency between these two areas so there’s no separation between private and public lives.

We recently witnessed the resignation of a globally recognized CEO – not related to his specific job performance, but due to drunken behavior at a party. Distinctive leaders understand that everything they do – personally and professionally – matters. Distinctive leaders ensure that what they do at work aligns with who they are as people. They live daily like their job depends on it…because sometimes it does!

Distinction needs to start within – not merely organizationally, but individually too! In other words, all distinction starts with YOU!

Innovative Strategies for a Competitive Edge

Innovative Strategies for a Competitive Edge

In today’s world, it isn’t enough to simply be different. If you’re not innovative in a manner that has importance for your customers, you won’t stand out from the crowd.

Innovative strategies will help you gain advantages over your competition by leveraging uniqueness and creativity.

The first step is to identify your goals and objectives. It’s important that you know what you want to achieve, as innovation will amplify those results.

The second action is identifying opportunities for differentiation from competitors. In today’s market, where everyone has their own take on how to deliver for customers, developing an approach that is unique from your competition provides you with an advantage in the marketplace.

Once you’ve identified your goals and the opportunities for differentiation, it’s time to develop your plan.

One way is to tap into creative approaches from other industries. As yourself, “Why and how do they do it that way?” There are examples from all around the world – easily discovered with some basic research on the Internet — that share a common interest in being a distinctive force in the marketplace. By tapping into these different perspectives, leaders can broaden their thinking about how they can provide solutions, while also leveraging diverse viewpoints. This means more creativity and innovation on how best to serve customers — without compromising what you already stand for in your industry.

Lastly, once you’ve created something distinctive that makes sense for your company and meets your objectives, make sure everyone knows about it!

Creative marketing strategies will help build awareness, as well as raise credibility among this increasingly discerning customer base. Tell customers and prospects a story about why they should choose you over the myriad of alternatives available in today’s marketplace.

(And don’t forget – every employee needs to know the story as well!)


  • To create distinction, use innovative strategies for a competitive edge.
  • Leaders need to broaden their thinking about how they can provide solutions, while also leveraging diverse viewpoints to be distinctive and creative.
  • Distinctive marketing strategies through stories help build awareness as well as raise credibility among this increasingly discerning customer base.

You must enhance your perspective to distinguish yourself from others who think similarly. Break away from conventional wisdom — it isn’t enough to merely be “different” in today’s world.

It’s not enough to be great at what you do — virtuosos are plentiful in every field. It takes something beyond that. What’s critical for your success is creating distinction. If these insights resonated with you, please share it on your social media! And learn more about our Iconic Inner Circle membership program. (https://IconicInnerCircle.com) We’re ready to help you create a plan for success that will help drive you to meet your goals and create a competitive edge for you and your business!

Five ways to increase your value at work

Five ways to increase your value at work

Even as we move into a post-pandemic world, does your work seem like an endless cycle of meetings, updates and reports?

You’re not alone. In a world where knowledge workers are expected to be on-call 24/7, it’s more important than ever to create personal and professional distinction by finding ways to increase the value you provide at work.

Here are five ideas that have helped me in my career:

1) Become indispensable: think strategically about how your unique skills can help your company reach its goals. Share your thoughts with your team and ask them to do the same. Or, if you’re an entrepreneur, make a list of those skills and evaluate how you can accentuate them to enhance your marketplace distinction.

2) Be proactive – volunteer for projects. A large degree of my reputation in my industry was established because of my ongoing willingness to volunteer for positions within our trade association. It didn’t put money in my pocket right away. However, it was an important step to establish my seriousness about my craft among my peers – and put me in touch with leading figures in my industry who became supporters and a terrific base for referrals. You can do the same!

3) Get comfortable with discomfort – push yourself out of your comfort zone. One way to do this is by taking on challenging tasks or participating in activities that require self-reflection. No matter your age or position, you will have to embrace change and leverage it to your advantage. When you get comfortable with discomfort, you’ll find change much easier to live with — and you will become more proficient at discovering the opportunities inherent with all evolving marketplaces and businesses.

4. Show up early, stay late, and work hard on weekends too – it’s worth it! You didn’t want to hear that one, did you? I’m NOT suggesting that you become a “workaholic.” However, all iconic professionals put in the time. Yes, you should seek home/life balance. But I do not know any highly successful individuals who work short hours. As Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has long said, “Today I will do what others won’t so that tomorrow I can do what others can’t.” Most people won’t work hard enough to discover the enriching benefits of personal and professional success.

5. Take care of yourself by getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, and exercising regularly – because how you feel impacts how you perform. I realize that there are infinitely more qualified people to suggest this than I. However, since I’ve built a friendship with famed fitness guru, J.J. Virgin, and followed her exercise plan and diet program, I’ve gone from weighing 240 to 205. My resting heartrate has gone from 70 to 56. I’m usually sleeping 7 to 8 hours every night. All of my blood work and vital signs are better.

It’s no coincidence that I’ve become more productive. If you feel great, you work great. There is a direct correlation between your personal fitness and your professional success. You don’t have to become a body-builder or aerobics instructor. You just need to eat better, sleep better, and exercise a little bit more. As I’ve learned in the past twelve months, it’s really a small price to pay for all you get in return!

Here’s hoping that you found these ideas helpful, and this has provided some new strategies to try in your own work. And I would love to hear what’s worked for you!

If these insights resonated with you, please share it on your social media! And learn more about our Iconic Inner Circle membership program. (https://IconicInnerCircle.com) We’re ready to help you create a plan for success that will help drive you to meet your goals and dramatically increase the value of your time at work!