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Constant learning is vital for the true professional

Constant learning is vital for the true professional

If you want to get better at what you do, there are few limits to how far you can go. With the right mindset, you can become more successful than ever before.

(That’s why Jason Bradshaw and I are conducting the “Stand Out / Earn More” program this week. You’ll discover how to register for FREE at the end of this post!)

As with any skill, learning new things and improving takes time and effort. Here are some tips for lifelong learning that will help elevate your career and your business:

Learning is how we grow as professionals

Learning is a lifelong process, and it’s not just about getting a degree. Learning is about keeping up with trends and new technology. It’s about staying ahead of the curve to keep providing your best work for customers and continue to be an asset to your company or organization.

If you want to stay current, there are many ways to learn while working:

  • Attend conferences and conventions related to your field (if possible).
  • Plan out time each week for learning new skills – whether through books, online courses, or other resources — even if it means reading just five pages daily!

You can keep getting better with discipline and action

It’s possible to keep getting better at your craft with discipline and action. That’s because self-discipline is a crucial ingredient for success. You might not know precisely what it takes or how much time it will take for you to do something well—but if you’re disciplined enough, this will show itself over time when nothing else matters but doing what needs doing right now! Whether you want to be an expert in programming, marketing, or sales, the only way you’ll get there is by setting goals and following through on them.

Track your progress

Track your progress and celebrate your achievements as you go. This will help you stay motivated, focused, and on track.

One way to stay motivated and on track is to set a time-based goal. For example, if you want to run a marathon in under 3 hours, set a date and commit to training. Once you’ve completed this goal, select another one that will help keep you motivated.

Having multiple skills is an essential part of being a professional

To be a distinctive professional, you need to have multiple skills. There are many ways that you can learn new skills: taking classes online, attending virtual summits, reading books about it, observing someone who already has those skills (i.e., watching your boss), and so forth.

Learning builds confidence so your efforts are taken seriously

Confidence is a key part of being a distinctive professional. As your experience grows, so does your credibility and, thus, your confidence. Learning new skills helps build this credibility and also helps to keep you interested in what you do.

Learning new skills helps us gain both confidence in ourselves and attractiveness as an employee or entrepreneur because our customers know we are always looking for ways to improve ourselves professionally.

Lifelong learning is key for the true professional

Lifelong learning is critical for the true professional. Lifelong learning is a skill that can be developed, taught, learned, and improved. It’s not just about what you know today; it’s about how you’ll be able to apply that knowledge in years to come.

The world is changing. To survive in this dynamic environment, it’s essential to be flexible and adaptable. Lifelong learning allows you to do just that—it keeps you informed about the latest trends and developments so that you can stay current with the ever-changing landscape.

In the end, lifelong learning is essential for anyone who wants to keep getting better.

Professionalism isn’t just about keeping up with the latest trends or being busy all the time; it’s also about taking time to reflect on your skills so that you can use them well in the future. Learning new things is important because it gives us confidence in ourselves and our work, moving people to take us more seriously.

Why wait? Go forth and learn!

This is my personal invitation to you to attend our “Stand Out / Earn More” event this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday – and I hope to see you there! You can attend for FREE!

Just go to: https://StandOutEarnMore.live for all the details.

The Key to Speaking and Communication Success

The Key to Speaking and Communication Success

It’s hard to describe how nervous I was to meet with my new speech coach. My career was ascending rapidly, but Ron Arden was the coach to the speaking heavyweights — Brian Tracy, Ken Blanchard, Patricia Fripp, and many more. I had invested an amount that made us really stretch for his insights — and now it was the time for our first meeting at his home in San Diego.

As our meeting began, he asked a simple question: “Tell me something that would describe your speaking style.” Being sincere and transparent are qualities essential to me.

I told him, “I speak from my heart.”

“Oh Lord,” Arden replied, “not another one. Not another speaker saying they ‘speak from the heart.’” I didn’t understand. What could possibly be wrong with doing that for your audience?

“Let’s say your wife calls right before you go onstage to tell you that your son has stumbled from his bike and broken his arm. They’re on the way to the ER. Do you really want to speak from the heart now? What if you get a call from your attorney and your business partner has embezzled thousands from you? You’re going to share your heart with the audience?”

He continued, “The audience is not your therapist. If you’re a professional speaker, you work for them. That means you WRITE your presentation from your heart. But when it comes time to deliver for your customer…you SPEAK from your SKILL. Our job is to develop your skills.”

It was one of the most significant examples of coaching I could imagine.

We all need coaches.

Ron Arden’s coaching was a turning point for me. He showed me that it’s essential to be genuine and sincere when speaking from the heart but that you also need to have the skill to back it up. Public speaking is not about sharing your feelings with the audience; it’s about delivering a message to help them achieve their goals. Coaching is critical to advanced success in any field. Whether you’re a CEO, a manager, or an individual contributor, having a coach can help you take your career to the next level.

Public speaking can be a daunting task for many. However, with the help of a good coach, it can be an enriching experience. Coaching is critical to advanced success, as it helps speakers develop their skills and deliver effective and engaging presentations. To be a successful public speaker, it is crucial to write speeches from the heart — but speak from your skill when it is time to deliver your presentation. With the help of a good coach, you can learn how to do this and become a more successful public speaker.

  • If you want to advance your speaking skills, I’d love to help. I’m only taking six people for a 90-day sprint to speaking success. As of this writing, two of those slots were filled. Just connect with me here for more information.

And, if now isn’t the time but the idea of speech coaching is something you’d like to pursue, just let me know. I will gladly recommend a top-flight coach who can help you achieve your goals.

It’s time for you to become a distinctive speaker!

For more info, just write me at: hi@scottmckain.com

3 Steps to Improve Your Professional Relationships — and Why it Matters

3 Steps to Improve Your Professional Relationships — and Why it Matters

We recently booked two major events for me as a keynote speaker in January 2023. One was a group where a member of the C-Suite had me speak at his meetings for two previous employers. The other was from a CEO of a group I addressed about a decade ago. He contacted me and said, “It’s past time that we had you back!”

The important aspect I wanted to share about this is not that I have booked a couple of really terrific programs for great leaders. The critical point is that I’ve stayed in touch with both of these clients (in a non-“sale” oriented manner) on an ongoing basis.

Relationships matter significantly in business; as a result, referrals are often the lifeblood of our success.

I’m not saying that all of my business comes through word-of-mouth recommendations. However, I have found that the more time I invest in nurturing relationships with colleagues, clients, and associates, the more likely they are to refer me or work with me again. And when it comes down to it, isn’t that what we ultimately want – a strong network and engaged community?

Here are three ways to enhance the relationships you have with clients and prospects:

  1. Keep in touch regularly. It doesn’t matter whether it’s through a quarterly newsletter or a simple “thinking of you” card. DON’T SPAM! Engage! Bring value to the conversation by helping, not selling.
  2. Deliver help without expectations – offer to introduce them to a colleague or share an article you think they might find valuable. Show interest and invest in their success by providing thoughtful advice or insights that may benefit them.
  3. Make time for in-person conversations and connections, whether it’s a coffee meeting or attending their industry event. We strengthen relationships through face-to-face interactions. Catch up on what’s new in their world. Share valuable information or resources with them.

Investing in relationships can pay off tremendously in the long run.

Build trust and loyalty by consistently demonstrating that you value the professionals you work with and for, then watch as your network grows more robust and engaged.

So, reach out to colleagues, clients, and associates today and strengthen those connections. You never know where they might lead!

Overwhelmed by opportunities?

Overwhelmed by opportunities?

Every day, more emails land in my inbox offering an opportunity to take a course or participate in a program designed to help grow my business or advance my financial standing.

While there’s no doubt that — like everyone else — I’d love my business to expand and my bank account to be enhanced. Yet, such widely varied choices are available that I often simply “keep on keeping on” without the help these opportunities may provide.

There are so many opportunities available in today’s world that we sometimes get paralyzed by a plethora of choices. While it’s great to have options, too many can be overwhelming.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by opportunity, here are a few tips to help you narrow down your choices:

1. Define your goals. What are you hoping to achieve? If you aren’t specific with your goals, it’s almost impossible to discern what can help you get to where you want to be. Once you know what you want, you can eliminate options that don’t align with your goals.

2. Do your research. When you’ve got a shortlist of potential opportunities, take some time to learn more about each one. What are the pros and cons? What do other people say about it? There are some brilliant programs available to help you in your journey to achievement. Sadly, however, today’s world of online learning has made it much easier for shysters to go virtual. Take a moment to do your homework on both the program and the presenter.

3. Trust your gut. At the end of the day, you know yourself best. If something feels right, go for it! Nike never says, “Just THINK ABOUT IT!” We all know that they tell us to “Just DO IT!” That’s frequently great advice in all endeavors — not just for athletes.

Don’t let opportunity overwhelm you. By taking some time to evaluate your options, you can make sure you choose the right opportunity for you.

There is no distinction without action — and you can discover the action steps you need to take by expanding your learning. Then, go for it with all you’ve got!

Tell YOUR “Distinctive Story”!

Tell YOUR “Distinctive Story”!

Every business has a story to tell, and yours is no different. What sets your story apart from the rest makes it engaging and distinctive. Customers seek a reason to connect with your business, your story must be one they can’t resist.

For a decade, I had the most incredible “side hustle” one could imagine. I was a nationally syndicated movie reviewer. When movies were a couple of weeks away from their release, the studios frequently invited me to participate in what they called their “junkets.” Typically, I would fly to New York or Los Angeles on a Friday, see the new movie before its public release, then spend Saturday interviewing the film’s stars, director, and screenwriter.

My work as a movie reviewer allowed me to interview famous actors from Meryl Streep to Tom Hanks, John Travolta to Faye Dunaway, and Samuel L. Jackson to Bruce Willis.

What I learned is the principles that made for a box office smash were also the precise aspects that every business and professional needed to discover to stand out and earn more. They make up the exact steps required to create distinction.

The steps are easy to remember and are often based on the acronym, S.T.O.R.Y.

  • S – Select your subject (What do you want to be known for?)
  • T – Target your audience (Who needs and wants to know your story?)
  • O – Outline the content (What details will you share?)
  • R – Record your story (How will you tell it?)
  • Y – Your story’s finish line (What’s the point of sharing your story?)

Answering these questions is the key to discovering what makes your story distinctive and engaging. It’s also how to clarify what you want to be known for professionally or in business. You can use these principles to storytelling in a way that not only educates but also entertains, engages, and inspires your audience.

When you understand the elements of what makes for a great story, you can begin to see how it can be applied to business and professional situations. It starts with knowing the steps required to create a narrative that captivates an audience and showing them how to apply your story’s principles in business and life. Here are a few examples:

  • S – Select your subject: In business, this could be choosing what it is you want to be known for. Are you the go-to person for your organization’s product or service? Do you have a unique perspective or method that you can share with others? The First Cornerstone of Distinction is CLARITY. When you’re precise about your subject, you’ve made progress towards achieving the first rung on the distinction ladder.
  • T – Target your audience: This is identifying your target market or ideal client in business. Who are they, and what do they need or want to know? Again, by being precise and clear on who our audience is, we move towards distinction in our story.
  • O – Outline the content: In business, this is determining what details you will share in your story. What information will be most helpful or interesting to your audience? How will you present a story that shows the characters of your narrative overcoming a conflict that your audience will find compelling?
  • R – Record your story: In business, this is deciding how you will deliver your story to your target audience. Will you write a blog post, give a presentation, post it on social media, or create a video?
  • Y – Your story’s finish line: In business, this is the primary purpose of sharing your story. What do you hope to achieve by telling it? Are you looking to educate, entertain, engage, or inspire your audience? Is your story (as Jim Rohn used to say) an example of what to do…or a warning of what must be avoided? Either way, the story’s conclusion must drive your audience to want to take action that benefits you and your organization.

Telling your story in a way that resonates with your audience is essential to success in business. By understanding what makes for a great story, you can ensure that yours captivates and engages your target market. Your story makes you unique, so use it to your advantage to engage potential customers by sharing what makes your business exceptional. If you can capture their attention, you’ll be well on your way to making a lasting impression of distinction.

It’s been my privilege to help professionals and organizations discover how to craft and tell their “Distinctive Story.” I’d love to assist you in this process, as well. Contact us on LinkedIn – or respond to this email – for more information and to start on your journey to captivate customers and prospects.

A Type of Diversity Critical for Customer Success

A Type of Diversity Critical for Customer Success

This post will refer to a speaker discussing politics; however, I promise this is NOT about political philosophy. It IS about an aspect frequently overlooked by many business leaders — even those with the best intentions.

In today’s business environment, research shows that customers are looking for organizations that reflect their values. (McKinsey & Co.’s white paper, “Diversity Wins,” is but one of the major research projects proving the point.)

Organizations that display their commitment to diversity and inclusion will meet the needs of a varied and constantly changing customer base.

However, an additional type of diversity is a critical ingredient in ensuring that your organization can create distinction in this challenging time.

At the recent Youth Citizenship Seminar at Pepperdine University, liberal commentator Steven Donnell asked the students in attendance what “diversity” meant to them. As you might imagine, they responded with answers such as racial equity and acceptance of all sexual orientations.

Donnell then stated another challenge is that many liberals he knows have zero conservative friends — and vice versa. He challenged the group of students to not only concern themselves with the most frequently mentioned aspects of diversity but also incorporate the diversity of thought into their lives.

Organizations that value “thought diversity” are open to new ideas and different ways of thinking. This openness allows them to understand their customers better and anticipate their needs.

By valuing thought diversity, you send a message to your customers that you’re open to hearing their perspectives and addressing their needs. This type of diversity is critical for customer success.

In 1970, singer/songwriter Joe South had a minor hit with a song, “Walk A Mile in My Shoes.” The lyrics may be even more relevant today than when it was first released:

If I could be you, if you could be me
For just one hour
If we could find a way
To get inside each other's mind
If you could see you through my eyes
Instead of your ego
I believe you'd be
Surprised to see
That you've been blind
Walk a mile in my shoes
Walk a mile in my shoes
And before you abuse, criticize, and accuse
Walk a mile in my shoes
songwriter: Joe South © Concord Music Publishing LLC; quoted as Fair Use commentary

You can have a team that displays the diversity we all desire regarding the aspects usually associated with the inclusion efforts. These are efforts we should all be making.

But if everyone on your team thinks alike, you will likely not be appealing to the broad spectrum of customers you desire.

Certainly, it is challenging to deal with people who disagree with how you see the world. However, the result is worth it for your customers — and your company!

The next time you’re discussing diversity and inclusion in your organization — as you need to — make sure that thought diversity is on the agenda. Just like the other forms, it’s a type of diversity critical for customer success.