Jun 27, 2022 | Business Distinction, Customer Experience
This post will refer to a speaker discussing politics; however, I promise this is NOT about political philosophy. It IS about an aspect frequently overlooked by many business leaders — even those with the best intentions.
In today’s business environment, research shows that customers are looking for organizations that reflect their values. (McKinsey & Co.’s white paper, “Diversity Wins,” is but one of the major research projects proving the point.)
Organizations that display their commitment to diversity and inclusion will meet the needs of a varied and constantly changing customer base.
However, an additional type of diversity is a critical ingredient in ensuring that your organization can create distinction in this challenging time.
At the recent Youth Citizenship Seminar at Pepperdine University, liberal commentator Steven Donnell asked the students in attendance what “diversity” meant to them. As you might imagine, they responded with answers such as racial equity and acceptance of all sexual orientations.
Donnell then stated another challenge is that many liberals he knows have zero conservative friends — and vice versa. He challenged the group of students to not only concern themselves with the most frequently mentioned aspects of diversity but also incorporate the diversity of thought into their lives.
Organizations that value “thought diversity” are open to new ideas and different ways of thinking. This openness allows them to understand their customers better and anticipate their needs.
By valuing thought diversity, you send a message to your customers that you’re open to hearing their perspectives and addressing their needs. This type of diversity is critical for customer success.
In 1970, singer/songwriter Joe South had a minor hit with a song, “Walk A Mile in My Shoes.” The lyrics may be even more relevant today than when it was first released:
If I could be you, if you could be me
For just one hour
If we could find a way
To get inside each other's mind
If you could see you through my eyes
Instead of your ego
I believe you'd be
Surprised to see
That you've been blind
Walk a mile in my shoes
Walk a mile in my shoes
And before you abuse, criticize, and accuse
Walk a mile in my shoes
songwriter: Joe South © Concord Music Publishing LLC; quoted as Fair Use commentary
You can have a team that displays the diversity we all desire regarding the aspects usually associated with the inclusion efforts. These are efforts we should all be making.
But if everyone on your team thinks alike, you will likely not be appealing to the broad spectrum of customers you desire.
Certainly, it is challenging to deal with people who disagree with how you see the world. However, the result is worth it for your customers — and your company!
The next time you’re discussing diversity and inclusion in your organization — as you need to — make sure that thought diversity is on the agenda. Just like the other forms, it’s a type of diversity critical for customer success.
Jun 15, 2022 | Business Distinction
We often hear a business leader or entrepreneur talking about taking something up to the “next level.” Professionals frequently use the phrase when discussing organizational improvements or achieving professional growth. In other words, the “next level” is generally about moving forward and becoming even better than we are now.
What is the “next level” exactly…and how do we get there?
The correct answer is obviously different for everyone. We all have unique goals and standards. But in general, reaching the next level means pushing to do better and reach new heights.
Of course, there’s no “one-size-fits-all” answer to this question. What matters most is finding out what works best to create distinction for you and your business. However, here are five basic steps that may help you take your business or career to the next level:
- Set clear goals. It has been said frequently – because it’s true: if you don’t know where you’re going, it’ll be tough to get there. That’s why it’s essential to set clear and achievable goals for your business or career. Once you have a goal in mind, you can start putting together a plan to make it happen.
- Constantly strive for improvement. Don’t be content with mediocrity – always strive for improvement in everything you do. Whether it’s your product or service, your marketing strategy, or how you run your business, you can consistently seek ways to do things better.
- Innovate and take risks. Innovation is key to taking your business to the next level. It’s also important to take calculated risks. If you don’t take any chances, it’ll be tough to achieve significant success. Remember that “Creativity” is the second of the Four Cornerstones of Distinction for a reason. If you fail to deliver an innovative solution to your customer’s challenges, they have little reason to seek you out over your competition.
- Stay focused and persistent. It’s easy to get sidetracked when you’re running a business. But if you want to take your business to the next level, you must stay focused on your goals and persist even when things get tough.
- Surround yourself with the right people. The people you surround yourself with can have a significant impact on your business. Take steps to ensure that you surround yourself with positive, supportive people who will help you reach your goals.
Taking your business to the “next level” is about setting goals, improving your process, and surrounding yourself with the right team. The “next level” is your next step on the pathway to distinction.
Jun 10, 2022 | Business Distinction, Personal Distinction
“We’ve always done it that way.”
This phrase (“WADITW”) is a primary enemy of change and innovation. It’s why many companies and leaders are stuck in the past, unable to move forward and improve the customer experience.
A crucial aspect of “we’ve always done it that way” is that it reflects a lack of imagination. It’s an admission that we’re not willing to change, even when it’s clear that change is needed.
Change is difficult because of several reasons — here are three primary factors:
- It’s easy to get stuck in the past. We feel comfortable with the results we’re currently achieving, so why rock the boat?
- Change can be scary. We’re hesitant to take risks because we cannot be confident about the future.
- Change requires effort. It’s often easier to stay the course and keep doing things the way we’ve always done them.
The bottom line: change is hard. But it’s necessary if we want to improve the customer experience. You should first recognize that “we’ve always done it that way” is a disease we must cure. Only then can we start making the changes needed to create a better future for our customers and businesses.
To move past “WADITW,” we must be willing to commit to change.
We need to be open to new ways of doing things. And most importantly, we need to develop our imagination to see the possibilities that change can bring.
The good news is that change is possible.
- It starts with a willingness to let go of the past and embrace the future.
- It requires imagination and creativity.
- And it takes courage to face the discomfort that comes with change.
So, if you’re ready to make a change, ask yourself these three questions:
- What needs to change?
- What can we do differently?
- How can we make this change happen?
Answering these questions will help you move beyond WADITW and into a brighter future for your company and customers.
Next, solve your WADITW problem by taking these three steps:
The first step is recognizing that the status quo is never good enough. We must constantly look for ways to improve, even if that means breaking from the past. Only then can we hope to deliver the Ultimate Customer Experience® that our customers deserve.
The next step is to be proactive. We can’t just sit around and hope that change will happen. This means challenging the way things have always been done and finding new and better ways to do them. It might be uncomfortable initially, but it’s essential if we want to move forward.
The third step is to constantly evaluate our performance. Are we stuck in our ways? Are we still doing things the same way, even though it’s no longer working? It’s essential to be honest with ourselves and always look for ways to improve. Otherwise, we’ll never change, and we’ll never be able to deliver the customer experience they deserve.
The good news is that plenty of examples of companies have overcome the disease of WADITW. They’ve been able to change and innovate, and as a result, they’re delivering a much better customer experience.
We can change — and we can deliver an Ultimate Customer Experience. It starts with recognizing the need for change, then taking action to make it happen. “We’ve always done it that way” is a disease that is holding us back. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Make this day into the day that you create distinction.
May 31, 2022 | Business Distinction, Current Event, Customer Experience
In today’s market, customers have more choices than ever before, and they’re not afraid to switch brands if they’re not happy. As every business strives to stand out from the competition, an increasing number are now turning to the customer experience as their critical differentiator.
That’s why businesses that focus on delivering an “Ultimate Customer Experience®” are gaining a competitive edge.
- By definition, an Ultimate Customer Experience is one so positive and memorable that it assures customer loyalty and ongoing referrals.
It’s no secret that providing an exceptional customer experience can be a challenge — but the rewards are well worth the effort.
- Businesses that deliver an Ultimate Customer Experience enjoy:
- increased customer loyalty
- higher customer lifetime value
- and more robust word-of-mouth marketing.
Here are three steps to initiate the Ultimate Customer Experience® (UCX):
- Define what an exceptional customer experience looks like for your business. This means going beyond simply evaluating, then meeting customer expectations. First, you need to commit to significant research to understand what your customers expect you to deliver thoroughly. Then, develop the internal systems required to exceed those expectations at every opportunity.
- Educate and train all employees on the importance of delivering an exceptional customer experience. Everyone from the front-line staff to the CEO needs to buy into the idea that the customer experience is a crucial differentiator for your business. Your team must learn the specific aspects of what determines a UCX for your particular business – and they must be educated on the attitudinal and behavioral elements required to create high levels of customer engagement.
- Constantly measure and improve the customer experience you’re delivering. Use customer feedback to continuously improve the way you do business. Your customers are likely to provide their feedback via social media and other forms of communication. Commit to leveraging technology to drill deeply into where the errors are in your processes so that you can stop manufacturing customer dissatisfaction.
By following these steps, you can start to differentiate your business by delivering an Ultimate Customer Experience®. When you accomplish this, you will stand out…and earn more!
If you’d like to learn more about the impact a UCX will have on your business, contact me! (I’m available on every social media platform – and email: Iconic@ScottMcKain.com)
We own the federally registered trademark on the term “Ultimate Customer Experience®” — and are, therefore, the ONLY company that can legally present training, coaching, speeches, and consulting on this vital topic.
The bottom line is this: if you want your business to thrive in today’s competitive market, you need to focus on delivering an Ultimate Customer Experience.® It’s the distinction difference that will make you stand out from the crowd.
Apr 15, 2022 | Business Distinction, Daily Distinction, Personal Distinction
Easter is obviously when Christians celebrate a miracle that is central to our faith. Although my work here is never intended to be about any particular set of spiritual beliefs, it struck me when thinking about his holiday that having faith — believing in something — is critical to your success in creating distinction.
Having faith in yourself is one of the most important things you can do on the path to success. No matter your goals, if you don’t believe that you can achieve them, it will be challenging to make them a reality.
When you believe in yourself and have faith you will succeed, you will likely have both the motivation and determination to keep going even when things get tough. It allows you to see the light at the end of the tunnel and keep moving forward.
If you want to create anything significant in your life, whether it’s a successful career, a happy family, or anything else, belief is essential. If you’re lacking in this area, you need to take time to develop it. It can make all the difference in the world.
Here are three ways you can enhance your faith in your future:
- Get clear about what you want. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s essential to have a firm grasp on precisely what you’re striving for. Always remember, the first of the Four Cornerstones of Distinction is Clarity. When you know what your goal is, it’s much easier to believe that you can achieve it.
- Surround yourself with positive people. Just this past week, I blocked time on my calendar and spent three days with three of the most positive people I know. I left our time together with renewed vigor and purpose. You can do the same with your most upbeat, positive friends. We all know the saying that we are the average of the five people with whom we spend the most time. If you want to believe in yourself more, surround yourself with people who will support and encourage you.
- Take action towards your goals. No matter how small, every step forward is a sign that you’re moving in the right direction. Just because you believe doesn’t mean things will automatically fall into place — you still must put in the work! But when you take action towards your goals, it helps to increase your belief that you’ll achieve them.
If you want to create anything distinctive, first be certain that you believe in yourself. It will make an extraordinary difference in your results
Apr 11, 2022 | Business Distinction, ICONIC, Leadership, Personal Distinction
Mistakes are a natural part of life. We all make them — and goodness only knows, I have personally made more than my share!
One of the challenges in today’s world is the plethora of online “gurus” and so-called experts seeking to show you how to be successful, wealthy, famous, and anything else you’d want. Part of what they promise is that they’ll provide the solution to whatever your problem might be in business or life. Sometimes that message is wrapped in an air of invincibility that may lead some to imagine that their prospective teacher has never failed or made their own missteps – or that the teacher’s slight errors will prevent you from making any blunders of your own.
The difficulty with this approach — and I certainly hope I’m not guilty of it, as all I’m trying to do is deliver insights that will assist you — is that we all must make our own mistakes and learn from them in order to progress. Mistakes can teach us important lessons and help us to become better people.
Don’t get me wrong – I’m not suggesting that we should be out there intentionally making blunders! However, it’s impossible to stand out if we are in fear of not always being correct or impeccable. There are no distinctive organizations or leaders who haven’t made significant errors in judgement or choices at some point!
An essential step is understanding that personal responsibility is critical when it comes to moving up from mistakes. We must take ownership of our mistakes and learn from them. This process is not always easy, but it is essential for growth. Blaming others or our circumstances might make us feel momentary vindication for our errors, but it is also a roadblock to personal and professional development.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution for dealing with mistakes. What works for one person may not work for another. However, seven principles will help you find your way forward:
- Accept responsibility for your mistakes. This is the first and most crucial step. Denial will only prolong the pain and prevent you from learning the lessons you need to know. You must own up to your mistakes in order to move on from them.
- Acknowledge your mistakes to yourself and others. This can be difficult, but it is essential for rebuilding trust and relationships. Trust is vital for any healthy relationship. Honesty is always the best policy. It’s also a necessary aspect of building and maintaining trust with those you work with and live around.
- Seek forgiveness from those who you have harmed. This is not always possible or necessary, but it can be a helpful step in the process of moving on. Forgiveness can help to heal old wounds and allow you to move forward with your life.
- Learn the lessons your mistakes have to offer. Ask yourself what you can do differently in the future to avoid making similar mistakes. What went wrong? What could you have done differently? How can you prevent similar mistakes in the future? These are tough questions to answer, but they’re fundamental for learning and growth. Mistakes can teach us important lessons if we are open to learning from them.
- Seek out support from others. We all need, as the Beatles sang, a little help from our friends. Talk to someone you trust about your mistakes and how you’re feeling. This can be a great way to get some perspective and start moving on.
- Forgive yourself. This can be difficult but is essential. We all make mistakes; it’s part of being human. What counts is how we learn from our mistakes and become better people and professionals as a result. Obsessing over your errors with anger and resentment will only eat away at you and prevent you from moving forward.
- Put your mistakes behind you. Once you have learned from your mistakes and taken the previous steps listed here, it’s now time to put them behind you and move on. This doesn’t mean forgetting about what happened; it just means that you refuse to continue dwelling on it. As the old saying goes, there’s a reason the windshield is larger than the rearview mirror. You have to keep looking forward. Holding onto mistakes will only drag you down and prevent you from achieving your fullest potential.
My great friend, Skip Prichard, wrote a remarkable book about this subject — it’s even titled “The Book of Mistakes.” I highly recommend it.
Mistakes are a natural part of life, but that doesn’t mean we have to like them! As mentioned earlier, I’ve certainly made them — and will undoubtedly continue to do so. However, it’s impossible to create distinction without sometimes making a misstep. Move on from your mistakes and continue progressing in your personal and professional life.
One way to avoid unnecessary mistakes – or to maximize what you learn from them – is through professional coaching. We offer coaching to a limited, select few leaders. If you’d like more information on our Distinctive Coaching, just reach out to us and let’s talk!